Tuesday 8 November 2011

Ladybird Totem

It never ceases to amaze me how much life can change in a short period of time. I was distraught, to say the least, about something over the weekend and sought solace through spiritual prayer and my cards. Nothing overt came to me and I have to admit, I rarely read for myself as I am not always objective, but then I headed off to visit a lady my daughter saw a few weeks ago. What she told me was truly amazing...about my past, verifying my future.

While I waited in the parking area of the building for her to come get me, a rather large ladybird flew to my left forearm and proceeded to have a wander. I was stunned by how long it stayed on my arm...a couple of minutes...unusual I thought, for a ladybird. Well, I made some wishes, including those for world peace and an end to poverty (and with no intention of flippancy I can assure you!) and when it appeared the old girl was still not going to head off on her own, I moved her onto my right arm and raising it, ousted her into the breeze. I watched her fly for a few seconds, then she seemed to just vanish. Thinking nothing of it, I then went upstairs with my new friend, Rohini, and to my astonishment, as I sat with her to begin the reading, the first thing I focused on in the room on her carpet was....YOU GUESSED IT! A ladybird! It was sitting there.

Well, I thought it odd at the time but said nothing and off we went into the depths of spiritualism, palmistry and the cards. Indeed, some enlightening and powerful things were imparted to me in the hour I was with my new friend. I came away feeling much happier about the horrible situation I felt we were facing. Day 2 however...and this is where things get creepy...NICE CREEPY...I'm talking with a friend on the phone....looking out my french doors, I'm telling her about the ladybirds when I notice, and remark with a laugh, that I'm now looking at a ladybird crawling across the top of my fence, ADDING, with complete irony, that it's now raining outside, and not lightly. We're both having a laugh when I notice ANOTHER ladybird, and another and another....until I realised they were literally bringing the leaf litter on the deck outside my bedroom doors, to life! I then imparted the tale of the little jumping spider, or money spider, which has been sitting next to my toilet roll holder in the bathroom in almost the same spot for 24hrs! Now, normally, these things are just an annoyance to me, and I would've flushed him lol, but in light of the ladybirds, I thought better of it today. Now I've google searched the signifcance of ladybirds, I am CERTAIN that this is the answer to my prayer. The message to me was clear, but let this be a message to you also, you who may come to read this passage, that miracles and the answers to our prayers are all around us......we just don't often recognise the small, DIMINUTIVE  nature of them sometimes. Look for the messages and miracles around you every day....!

 The Ladybird is now my personal totem.....what's yours?
Thankyou God and the lady divine!


  1. well hello ...were did you disappear to..i lost track of you when you went on your trip to the USA....welcome back to my blog..thank you for coming by ..thank you for that idea...she is the cutest child...i adore and love her to bits ...she is Nanna's girl.

  2. i adore that bolero you have knitted..such a talent...i have to admire a talent like that ...i have two left hands when it comes to knitting and my brain works back the front with patterns...well done it is gorgeous

  3. AH! Nettie!!! :-) Yes, I had problems with my blog and tried starting another one only to find the same problems. Anyway, only just got this one back online. I've just finished a cot quilt myself for my cousin's baby, which I shall post later today. I promised to continue the tradition MY grandmother started years ago with making a blanket/quilt for the babies of the family. Glad to be back and lovely to hear from you!
