Friday, 9 September 2011

Knits: Purple Capecho

Well, mumsy's capecho is 95% done. Here it is in its almost finished glory lol. I had to wait for her to try it on as I've amended the you would already know!??? It's a bit firm around the lower part of the jacket SO I'm going to knit two corners for the lower front to square off the front of the jacket AND a triangle for   
the centre back to add width for her bust.

This is the centre back, where I'll put the extra panel to add width. I will try two pattern repeats to see how it may only need one triangle, not two.

 The pentagons across the bottom here are the from the left side of the jacket. The armhole has been formed by the second pentagon's top right hand side and the two shoulder pentagons.The two pointed peaks at the top of the armhole are the pentagons either side of the shoulder seam.

I've tried this on mum, so know it fits well. I deferred to my sewing expertise on this one, as it's been a bugger of a jacket. Gorgeous, but painful! The mistake I made, which I will remember for #3 (yes Virginia, there is a number 3! ...much to my horror) is to NOT stitch the lower panels together before doing the rib around the armhole. Mum didn't want a sleeve, preferring a ribbed band.....all very well and good EXCEPT knitting it on circulars IN a circle was nasty! I haven't got the nerve to unstitch the pentagons...cut patterns will not make me happy AT ALL!

The only other thing to do on this jacket then, will be to stitch a smaller version of the neckband to lengthen the jacket a little. We'll see how it goes!


  1. COSSO'S CRAFTS...and Ike BERRIRO used to say..." CRAFTINESS is not an OPTION".
    We got it.
    And so, BONNIE BIANCO was born!

  2. Michelle, thanks...I think lol. I know Kate Capshaw's name but the others? Nup hahaha. I'm from down under so they are unknown to me...please explain? lol
