Thursday, 17 November 2011

Diagonal Cables Cardigan

Well, here we go....another horrid pattern lol. Seems like everything I turn my hand to with needles lately ends up vexed. This is a Patons pattern and it's gorgeous, but SO verbose with the instructions.

The cabling section is listed in rows 1-26, then the stocking stitch instructions, then the beginning of the actual pattern to get it started. Unfortunately,  once the cabling pattern is started, the increasing instructions become confusing and you lose track of the increases through the cabling. Also doesn't help that the cabling and increase instructions are on different pages! Suffice to say I've unpicked it 9 times so far! GRRRRRRR. There has GOT to be a better way to write this pattern as it's so verbose. I ended up writing it up as a table for ease of use. I've yet to work out how to save it as a PDF so if you'd like a copy, email me and I can forward the text document to you.

So, this is a Xmas gift.....we'll see how we go as I now have the beige capecho to finish and the sleeves to re-stitch on Em's cream capecho...I know...why do I do it? It wasn't intentional, but with my back and shoulder giving me grief inconsistently for a month, it's been hard to sit and knit. The right front is done, so while the pattern's fresh in my mind, I'll get the left front done, then knock up the back. That'll be pretty easy as it's straight stocking stitch. I'm aiming to have these pieces done within the next week! The sleeves are HEAVY cabling, but I think I might shortcut these and just do the cable section up the middle front of the sleeve. It's a very dark purple so that will feature the pattern, which may get lost in the darker colour anyway...well, I've convinced myself that's for the best hahaha.

Here's the actual cabling section. The increases are made BETWEEN the stocking stitch and cabling sections. I've used Red Heart Super Saver Solids on this which cost me about $20 AUD. It was purchased about 6 months ago from
 Although the patter says to use 4.5mm and 4mm needles, I found the tension too taut so upped them to 5.5mm and 5mm. They're perfect. This is an XL which I'm making for a friend for Xmas. She is not a very large girl, but I've allowed for her 'ample bosom', wide shoulders and she likes to wear skivvies underneath her jackets. The large looked a little on the small side. Let you know how I go for sizing when she puts it on!

Here's the finished front. I have to say that I thought I'd done something wrong with the shoulder being so high as it doesn't look like that in the pattern picture, but I've looked at anothe of these jackets on and found Britt's looks the same SO.....mine is all good too!

May be my tension but I've also found the cabling a little tighter than the stocking stitch. When I wash and block it, I'll straighten it up.

Onward ho!

1 comment:

  1. HI!
    I would love to email you to get your table for the cabling section, but I can't find your email.
    If you get this, can please email it to me at:
